
Showing posts from February, 2019

Dynamics 365 USD Performance Testing (Part 3)

This is the 3rd part of a series of blog posts which cover a set of Performance Testing scripts I have used to test Dynamics 365 CE with Unified Service Desk with XenApp. This test focuses on the controller script which is used to launch user sessions.   Below is a version of the script I used.  It has some comments which cover what each of the sections do. One of the fundamental issues I had was how to programmtically launch Citrix sessions from PowerShell.  Fortunately LoginVSI comes with an executable called SFConnect.exe.  This is a really simple application which makes it easy to launch Citrix sessions. If you are not lucky enough to have access to SFConnect.exe, then you could use something like this. In the next part I will record a video of this in action in my lab and in the final blog I will lo...

Dynamics 365 USD Performance Testing (Part 2)

This blog is a little video which shows the workload in a demo environment.   Below is a sample script from GitHub which you customise to your own needs. To see part 1, click here To see part 3, click here

Dynamics 365 USD Performance Testing (Part 1)

As discussed in my introduction, this set of blog posts is to show what can be done to performance test Unified Service Desk and Dynamics 365 CE. These tests are more designed to identified the client side impact of using USD.  It can be a very CPU intensive program and depending on your configuration on CE, some of the pages can take a while to load and/or use up a lot of client side resource. Below is a screenshot of the hardware requirements for USD Microsoft provide some hardware recommendations, but when running this in a Server Based Computing environment such as Citrix XenApp, it is unlikely you are going to give every user 2 dedicated CPUs without some pooling. The other thing to bear in mind is that USD uses embedded iexplore.exe processes for its frames.  We all know that IE sucks, but specifically with JavaScript and DOM Storage performance, which Dynamics uses a lot of. Microsoft know this and if they could burn IE to the ground I am sure they ...