Gather SPF Records For Multiple Domain Names
You can use the following script to gather the SPF records for multiple domains. You just need to populate a TXT file named DomainNames.txt which exists in the same directory. Below is the PowerShell: $SPFRecords = @ () $Counter = 0 $myDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation .MyCommand.Path $DomainNames = Get-Content $myDir \DomainNames.txt $SPFOutput = $myDir + "\SPFRecordsResults.csv" ForEach ( $Domain in $DomainNames ) { $Counter ++ Write-Progress -Activity "Querying SPF Records" -Status "Processing $( $ Counter) of $( $ DomainNames.count) " -CurrentOperation $Domain -PercentComplete (( $Counter / $DomainNames .count) * 100) $SPFRecord = Resolve-DNSName -Name $Domain -Type TXT | Where { $_ .Strings -like "*spf1*" } If ( $SPFRecord -ne $NULL ) { ForEach ( $SPF in $SPFRecord ) { $SPFItem = new-object PSObject -Property @ { Domain = $SPF .Name ...