Creating a Complex Custom Azure Role
We recently had the need to create a custom role in the Azure Portal which stopped a set of administrators from creating networks or virtual machines. This was because we are planning to share our ExpressRoute connection with their subscription and we only allow IT to add new devices to our network or domain. Now the standard Azure RBAC roles don't do anything like this. These roles are typically configured with only a small set of permissions. The role needed the following setup Allow All Allow start, stop, deallocate VM Deny All Compute Deny All Network Deny All Permissions The following article was pretty useful in describing the process of creating the custom role. There are a few methods, but I opted for the creation of the JSON file. To get the actual permissions required to build the JSON file itself, we needed to run the following commands Get-AzureRMProviderOperation Microsoft.Compute/* Get-AzureRMProviderOperation Microsoft.Ne...