
Showing posts from March, 2012

XenApp License Acquisition Error (-25)

We recently experienced a Citrix XenApp error when migrating our users over to the new farm.  This is documented in the following KB article This stopped any new users connecting the desktop. Our licence server had 1 file installed with 7 licences are various amounts purchased through the years.  Some of these were originally owned by different organisations hence the split. We found that only 1 licence was valid for SA (subscription advantage) in the licence console.  When concurrent connections for this licence were full, no more connections were allowed. We proved that all our licences had valid SA in the MyCitrix.  We tried to reallocate the licences as suggested in step 3 of the above ctx article Verify the "SA Date" column is equal to or greater than 2010.0317. If the SA date is prior to 2010.0317, you must allocate new Subscription Advantage Renewal licenses from and install them on...