Sybase - Restoring Master Dump Process

Restoring a master dump file into a blank Sybase set-up.

Install Sybase.
Stop services.

Rename your current D:\Sybase\Data\master.dat to .old.

Change to D:\Sybase\ASE-12_5\bin in CMD

Create an empty master db by typing sqlsrvr -d d:\Sybase\Data\master.dat -z 2k -b 40960 this will create a master device which is 80MB in size.

Then make a copy RUN_SQLBOX.bat and called it something like MasterRecover.bat. Run it. This will leave a batch file version of the Sybase service running. Don't close it.

Load up another CMD window and connect using isql. The SA password will be blank at this point.

You need to set the master DB to use more of the master device in order to load the dump. Type

alter database master
on default "60M"

You then need to change the Sybase backup server name. Type:

update sysservers
set srvnetname = "SQLBOX_BS" (or whatever the backup servname should be)
where srvname ="SYB_BACKUP"

Start the Sybase backup service in services.msc. You can then load your database by typing

load database master from "D:\locationoffile.dat"

The master recover CMD window will now have closed and you then start the normal Sybase server service and connect using advantage or SQL Central Server etc... Note the sa password will be whatever it was in the database you have restored


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